
Explore the Magic Within

Ignite the fire of your soul

The Purpose of Art

The purpose of art What is the purpose of your art dear one? Whether you are a painter, photographer, videographer, digital artist, singer, writer, any form of art that you create from your soul, what is its purpose? This is an essential question every artist must ask, not for others, society, the audience or anyone…

A wake up call: You can have it all

The loudspeaker of the society which works through the mouths of those having lesser intellect (aka dung for brains) speak of hypocrisy in subtle, invisible ways. So why listen to those who want to bring you down? Those who want to see you fail? Those who make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin? Those…

Imperfection and Art

As I struggled with my art sometimes, I pushed myself for it to be perfect. Perfect what? Art isn’t supposed to be perfect it is supposed to be an expression of you – the artist, the Creator. Next time, don’t look for faults or imperfections in your art. Instead look at it and ask yourself…

What was human before a human?

What was human before a human? An artist. A storyteller. A change ingniter. A lover. Concentrated cosmic energy with the spark of new invention that would eventually change the world. But what do they tell you to be? A nameless herd brick in the wall Is that what we really are? Is that what you…

Retelling the story with a happy ending: 2521

Hello fellow traumatized people! If you have ended up here then you have probably been traumatized and stabbed in the heart by the ending of the wonderful drama 2521, we all should be compensated with free therapy sessions or a bonus special episode (with happy ending) or season 2 (with happy ending). Don’t worry you…

The old self is gone, but you aren’t moving on

Wow, it rhymes! I didn’t intend it to, but still great 🙂 As we move through life, circumstances fall in our way and due to them sometimes we evolve willingly and smoothly and sometimes we are forced to, which leaves you in a state of not knowing. Not knowing who you should be after this…

Flowers are the smiles of the plant

Have you ever looked at a flower and got sad? Do you know anyone who doesn’t like flowers? Of course it could be due to personal reasons such as remembering lost love over a flower or being allergic to flowers, these will automatically make you or someone else repulse them a little bit. But in…

Ancient wisdom and Destiny – take a deep dive

Creative impulses are one of the most fulfilling acts to follow. This idea was like that too, I wanted to continue my Spirit Animal Artwork Series and a beautiful vision of the whale was downloaded into my personal consciousness 🙂 I grabbed the tools and surrendered and even the brushes, colors and techniques “took over”…

F.E.A.R – False Evidence Appearing Real

Ever have one of those days laced with anxiety, with the icing of fearful thoughts and the cherries on top made of your tears? I had one of those yesterday and just before bed too! Oh, the sinister mind strikes again! It can start with you waking emotionally unbalanced and then minor inconveniences will start…

You are the Creator of your Reality

Most people think this is a “woo woo” concept but they often live a life trapped by their own thoughts and running in the circles in their life because of repetitive nature of their thoughts and emotions. I think this is because we are taught to see ourselves as naive and to be afraid to…


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